Think Green | Act Green
People . Community . Planet
The Address Collective are committed to an ideal where we can deliver on comfort, luxury and making memories in a way that is sustainable for our planet. We have started our journey and we invite you to join us.
Waste Separation:
In your room you have been provided with a separate bin for general (bathroom) and recycling waste (bedroom), we would ask that you use the main recycling bin to dispose of any mixed recyclables including:
- Paper
- Cardboard
- Metal
- Plastic
We will ensure that these items are diverted from landfill and recycling through our waste management company.
Glass items can be left free standing in the room for recycling.
Water Conservation:
On average in Ireland each hotel guest uses 301 litres of water per day, here at The Address Collective with enhancements in our practices and infrastructure we have reduced this to under 110 litres. We still aim to improve on this and we ask our guests to help us achieve this.
Towel Reuse Program:
Every day millions of gallons of water are used globally to clean towels that have only be been used once. To reduce the water consumed please consider reusing your towel while you stay with us.
- A towel hanging up means “I will use our towel again thank you”
- A towel on the floor means “I would like a fresh towel please”
Bath, Shower and Sink:
Simply by being conscious of a running tap or shower head can have a significant impact on the water consumed in a bathroom. Please be mindful of leaving a sink or shower running when not in use and keep in mind that taking a shower consumes far less water than a bath.
Linen reuse program:
As part of our commitment to reducing our environmental impact we have taken an impact versus benefit review of traditional standards to assess where we can have the most impact while maintaining our guest experience. As part of this process, we identified that millions of gallons of water are also being used to unnecessarily launder guest linen for longer stay guests.
As part of our sustainability program we are now servicing guest bedrooms upon request or pm day 3 of their stay which will also include a change of bed linen. This step significantly reduces water consumption while maintaining a hygienic standard. (If you wish to have your linen changed, please contact a member of our team)
Energy Conservation:
Remove your key card
When leaving your room, by simply removing your key card from the panel in the wall (where available) this will ensure that that the room will go into an energy saving mode by turning off all electrical appliances in the bedroom.
Where a key card panel is not available, we would ask that you turn off all lights and the television when leaving the room.
Lights & Television in room
Please turn off individual lights that re not being used such as the bathroom and consider turning off the television when not in use.
Public Transport
We encourage all of our hotel guests to avail of public transport where possible to reduce our carbon footprint. For more details on available public transport please speak to our Front Office Team.
By using only what we need, we can all play our part in safeguarding our planet for our future. Help us to Think Green, Act Green.